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WWho is SIA?

We are the Strategy, Insights, and Analytics arm of SA Tourism.

With access to over a decade of consolidated data, we are an industry-leading source of high-quality research, analytics and insights. Our passionate team is committed to sharing insights and learnings into current industry trends. Drawing from our knowledge and expertise to assist in unpacking data-driven insights that enable smart decision making.

But at SIA, we look beyond the numbers to see the bigger picture. Our deep and diverse expertise allows us to partner with people, who like us, are united in and passionate about South Africa as a pre-eminent tourist destination. Leading the way in providing strategic and actionable insights to drive investment and growth opportunities that impact lives and communities.

We invite you to come and explore, engage, and learn with us.


SIA’s work is to:

  • Inform strategic investment choices of SA Tourism
  • Identify and assess growth areas for tourism
  • Monitor and track tourism performance

List of Dashboards 

List of Interactive Infographics

Unlocking Travel Markets

International Tourism Behaviour Survey

Tourist Arrivals Dashboard
Tourist Arrivals Dashboard
The key source of inbound tourism data in South Africa is the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The department uses its Movement Control System (MCS), which is used at all borders in South Africa. The data in the dashboard reports is obtained from the DHA via Statistics South Africa in their Statistics SA’s Tourism & Migration releases.
Tourist Key Measures Dashboard
Tourist Key Measures Dashboard
The international report is based on the systems and methodologies that were developed and applied from 2001. In 2002, South African Tourism extended the survey of departing international tourists at O.R. Tambo International Airport from a seasonal survey to surveys conducted throughout the year.
Domestic Dashboard
Domestic Dashboard
A domestic survey is conducted through face to face interviews in-home.  This survey aims to capture the domestic travel habits of South Africans taken within the borders in our country.
Provincial Dashboard
Provincial Dashboard
Learn more about international visitors who travelled within South Africa’s provinces, how much they spent, places they visited and valuable up-to-date statistics based on their stay.

Research and Reports

  • Industry Reports

    Sustainability Trends Report

    Industry Reports
    Sustainability Trends Report

    Report on Global Sustainability Tourism trends

  • Annual Tourism Performance

    Tourism Performance Report 2024

    Annual Tourism Performance
    Tourism Performance Report 2024

    South African Tourism Quarter 1 Performance Report 2024

  • Tourist Arrivals

    Tourist Arrivals March 2024

    Tourist Arrivals
    Tourist Arrivals March 2024

    Table B - January 2024: Tourist Arrivals aligned to StatsSA Tourism & Migration reports

  • Industry Reports

    Digital Trends report

    Industry Reports
    Digital Trends report

    Digital Trends report

  • Tourist Arrivals

    Table B April 2024

    Tourist Arrivals
    Table B April 2024

    International Tourist Arrivals Table B

  • Tourist Arrivals

    Table B May 2024

    Tourist Arrivals
    Table B May 2024

    International Tourist Arrivals Table B

  • Tourist Arrivals

    South Africa 2023 Tourist Arrivals October

    Tourist Arrivals
    South Africa 2023 Tourist Arrivals October

    This report details tourist arrivals to South Africa. It excludes transit and covers sea, air and land arrivals to South Africa, for the October 2023 period.

  • Annual Tourism Performance

    Tourism Performance 4th Quarter Report

    Annual Tourism Performance
    Tourism Performance 4th Quarter Report

    Tourism performance 4th quarter report

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