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YYou’re excited about your new business and can’t wait to share it with the world, right? You’d love a fancy website with all the bells and whistles, but since you’ve only just got going, your marketing budget is pretty much non-existent. So where to from here?

Well, there’s no need to be despondent. Thanks to the popular social media platform, Facebook, you’ll be able to reach and engage with those who matter most to your business in order to grow it.

The first thing you need to do is create a Facebook page for your business. Click on the most applicable icon for your Facebook page; choose a specific category from the dropdown menu and complete the required information; click on 'get started' and follow the instructions; or see a tutorial on how it’s done here

By creating a Facebook page, you establish your presence online so people can find your business. Your new page will also enable you to have personal conversations with potential and existing customers, who will be able to like your page, read your posts and share them with others.

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