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Communication plays an important role in the business world, and being able to communicate effectively – whether it's with customers, colleagues or clients – can you take you a long way.

Communication is the act of exchanging information and meaning using a variety of technical means, such as email or mobile phones, or natural means, such as talking.

Effective communication is a two-way street that involves speaking, writing or presenting clearly and coherently, as well as listening and reading closely. If what you have communicated has achieved the desired effect or response from your listener, then you can safely say that you managed to communicate effectively.

Many people – especially those in the travel and tourism industry – spend their days communicating with people from all walks of life, in fact, communication skills have proven to be one of the most powerful elements and skills that a person can possess.

Here are some tips to help you get your point across more effectively:

  • Remove all distractions that could possibly interrupt the conversation. Using your mobile device during a face-to-face conversation is not only considered rude, but will distract both you and your listener
  • Make sure that before you send a message out, it is clearly articulated
  • Always be concise. Make sure that you have a clear idea of the point you want to make. Stick to what you intended to say and make it brief; nobody wants to listen to roundabout rambling or read long-winded, endless emails
  • Be firm in your meaning. Make sure that the main point of your message you’re trying to convey is clear and understandable, with little room for misunderstanding. Always make sure your facts are clear and any details are relevant to your audience
  • Ensure that your message is coherent. There needs to be a clear path and connectible dots in the information that you’re communicating. When you speak to or write to your customers and colleagues, your communication should be logical
  • Make sure that you have done your research in order to relay the correct facts and statistics, if needs be. Correct communication is error-free communication
  • When you communicate with your audience remember to be friendly, open and honest. Be sure to keep your audience's views in mind
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