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WWith Twitter, it has now become easier for businesses and individuals to showcase their offerings, specials and the day-to-day running of their workplaces. 

Have you considered setting up a Twitter account for your business or even using your personal account to become an ambassador for your business? Twitter has a total of 1-billion users, and is not showing any signs of slowing down.

If you are weary of using this social networking tool, here are some Twitter successes to ponder on:

  • According to, 62% of marketers have agreed that social media has become an important tool to their marketing campaigns in recent months
  • Twitter is South Africa’s third most popular choice of social network (MXIT is first, then Facebook)
  • Amongst its 1-billion users globally, there are 6.6-million registered Twitter users. This places South Africa as the tenth largest user of Twitter in the world

So why Twitter for your business? For one, Twitter is responsive so when a potential user has a booking enquiry, you can easily reply to them, giving them the information they need – in 140 characters. Also you can join in conversations and engage with Twitter users to draw attention to your business and the services you offer. So in addition to building your brand or business, you are also growing relationships.

Are you now ready to start up your Twitter account? Here are some dos and don'ts of Twitter:


  • Respond to DMs (direct messages) and mentions, even if they are negative. You don’t want to be ignoring potential business
  • Use the correct grammar and spelling – your tweets are professional and should reflect your business
  • Use the Twitter lingo correctly. Know the difference between a retweet (RT) and a modified tweet (MT), for instance. A retweet is an original tweet from another user that you forward to your followers, with “RT” before their userhandle to show it’s not yours. If you want to say something about the retweet and you don’t have enough characters, you might have to shorten that person’s tweet. When this happens, you type “MT” instead of “RT” to show the tweet has been modified.  


  • Protect your account. What are you hiding?
  • Don’t spam people
  • Don’t be afraid to go forth and tweet! Start by following us.
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