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EEver tasted Cape Malay food? When South Africans talk about traditional foods, these are some of the flavours and influences they’re referring to: masala, bobotie, Malay curry and roti. They’re all part of the country’s distinct “fusion cuisine”, and are warm, spicy and so inviting. The Cape Malay Cooking Safari with Andulela Experience Tours introduces you to all this…and more.

Cardamom, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, garlic, chillies – take a deep sniff as you walk through Cape Town’s colourful Bo-Kaap area, and these spices are sure to envelope you in a warm feeling – the smell  of homemade curries, sweet treats and delicious deep-fried samosas are wafting from every house.

Did You Know?
SSouth Africa was arguably home to the first fusion cuisine, blending colonial French, Dutch, English and Malaysian influences.

AAndulela Experience Tours, a responsible tourism company certified through Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, gives you a crash course in cooking with these flavours on its Cape Malay Cooking Safari.

It’s an all-senses-engaged experience. First, you'll be taken to the Bo-Kaap Museum, where you’ll gain some insight into this area, which used to be called the Malay Quarter.


MMany of the buildings are well over 150 years old, and were home to freed slaves and artisans originally from Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean Islands. You’ll then amble around the little shops, cobbled streets and sherbet-bright houses to hunt down the spices and fresh ingredients.

After that, you’ll enter one of the houses and have an informal workshop, where you’ll learn the art of blending the spices into a masala for a Malay curry, plus the correct way to fold a triangular samoosa, and perhaps how to make a fluffy and delicious roti.

In between the chopping, cooking, and the eating of the sumptuously spicy meal, you’ll find out about life, food, culture and religion in the intriguingly multicultural Bo-Kaap.

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