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Things to do
Vibrant culture

Xhosa cuisine: the dishes and traditions

Vibrant culture
Xhosa cuisine: the dishes and traditions
Xhosa cuisine: the dishes and traditions
Vibrant culture

African ancestors

Vibrant culture
African ancestors
African ancestors continue to give Africans a shared and personal sense of self-affirmation, identity and unfettered belonging.
Vibrant culture

Zulu cuisine: the dishes and traditions

Vibrant culture
Zulu cuisine: the dishes and traditions
Zulu cuisine is still very much influenced by tradition and its celebration of history and a commitment to culture.
Vibrant culture

Traditional African food in South Africa

Vibrant culture
Traditional African food in South Africa
The food story of South Africa.
Vibrant culture

The culture of Basotho: history, people, clothing and food

Vibrant culture
The culture of Basotho: history, people, clothing and food
As a nation that boasts about its rich culture, the Basotho can trace their origins to the pre-historic age.
Vibrant culture

Culture and expression of identity: The Ndebele of South Africa

Vibrant culture
Culture and expression of identity: The Ndebele of South Africa
The Ndebele of South Africa constitute one group of people whose identity has survived precarious conditions and existential crisis under the weight of changing power dynamics of internal and external factors from pre-colonial to present times.
Vibrant culture

A history of mining in South Africa

Vibrant culture
A history of mining in South Africa
Mining in South Africa has been a contentious issue since 15-year-old Erasmus Stephanus Jacobs discovered South Africa’s first diamond, the Eureka, in Hopetown in 1867.
Vibrant culture

A history of South African democracy

Vibrant culture
A history of South African democracy
South Africa is made up of people who have been in the country since the beginning of time, as well as others who arrived either as slaves, escapees of persecution in their homelands, or seekers of instant riches.
Active adventure

Travel tips for pets - the unconventional family members

Active adventure
Travel tips for pets - the unconventional family members
Often our pets are part of the family. For some people that extends to travelling with their pets.
Wildlife safari

Surgery and safari in South Africa

Wildlife safari
Surgery and safari in South Africa
When it comes to post recovery and recuperation, going on safari is a good choice.
Active adventure

Train journeys - an unforgettable experience with someone special

Active adventure
Train journeys - an unforgettable experience with someone special
What can beat that feeling of going to sleep with a Karoo moon in the sky outside, and waking up to a pot of fresh coffee, surrounded by Cape vineyards as the Blue Train makes her stately way into the Mother City?
Bustling city life

Quirky hotels - trailers, ox wagons, tree houses and even a castle (3)

Bustling city life

South Africa on social media